Welcome to the Balanced Equine. My name is Amy Shumway and I can offer the following training for you and your horse-
My Philosophy: I operate from the following perspectives-(also see My Backround below)
- your horse inherently knows what is right and best for their physical and mental well-being/development- they are simply waiting for us to 'catch up' The idea is simple-the horse guides their own athletic progression accordingly to their individual ability and desire- I simply facilitate and encourage that process through removing energetic blockages and providing a space that safely allows the horse to communicate how they feel in thier bodies and about their work. I make no assumptions and let the horse do all the 'talking'. I have a 'show me what you've got' and 'show me what you want' approach/attitude.
-the horse and the horse's overall environment need to be healthy before I can do my work effectively. I will know from an initial assesment where the horse is at in this regard and can identify what may need to happen before we can begin training.
- I always consider first the question, "How can I trust the horse more?" Not the other way around. For ex. when the horse kicks during training- I ask myself- why? And always consider it first an expression that says (as if the horse is speaking) "trust me, there is a reason other than I dont trust you for my kicking."
-The horse knows more than I do - it is up to me to accept this and listen accordingly from an ego-less state of being.
-The horse uses 90% of their brain- I only use 10% of mine.
-I imagine how I would communicate my thoughts/desires if I lived inside the body of a horse- this means no ability to speak or hold objects in my hand.
-my personal style is to allow all the expressions and essence of a horse to come up to the surface in perfect harmony. It is my job and skill-set to bring this out in the horse.
-the true essence of all horses is freedom of expression,the correct use of power, majestic nobility, ancient wisdom, intuitive intelligence, cooperation, forgiveness,tolerance, patience, understanding,compassion,beauty, grace, splendor,inspiration,loyalty companionship and partnership.
-the horse is a masterful manifestor-but needs the facilitation of a human to maximize their execution of manifestation powers.
-I bring the "3-D glasses" so you can see what I see.
-the extent of the artistic talent/understanding of the trainer= the extent of the artistic expression of the horses true essence.
-I dont approach my work with the idea that you will be able to do what I do- this is not the point. I have years and years of specific experiences/gifts unique to me combined with years of applying those experiences to the art of training.It would be unwise to think that I can 'teach' you what I know and then you can do it too. Everyone must learn on their own, in their own time and with the resources opportunities presented to them.What I can realistically offer is showing you what I know, and showing you how you can develop your own skills based on the same perspective that I start from. I do not guarantee at the end of the time/investment with me you will be able to do what I do- that would dishonor the time and energy it took to gain these skill-sets and be potentially irresponsible and reckless. What I can offer for sure is to re-balance your horse's energy in a way that will allow you to learn more clearly from your horse and partner/work with your horse more safely. I see myself as the big 're-set' button for your horse- transforming otherwise chaotic confused frustrated scattered energy into smooth calm workable cooperative enhanced elegance. And along the way , you may discover your own artistic gifts to develop your skill set to do what I do. I hope so, because I would like to see more people effectively bringing horse energy into balance. It is so easy to begin and make a difference at any level once the correct principles are understood- I am happy to share what I know, but cautious to be understood thoroughly and correctly from the start.
So what do you get when you ask for my help? (see My Backround below for more info)
- an initial assesment of what your goal is with your horse, his/her current nutrition/environmental health conditions and your history with the horse as well as anything you know about the horses history.
- I use my balancing lunge equipment to read how your horse holds the energy in their body- identifying any energy blocks and showing you how they manifest in expression during the lunge work.
- I 'set' the muscles/chemistry and flow in the right place by the end of the session- ie balance the chakras - this re-balancing and recycling of energy in the horse will set into their psyche and physical being so you will experience a 'different' more present horse who has more conscious access to their energy and emotions and more consciousness to have the ability to decide how to best use their energy at any given time. In other words, I can transform your horse in time into an educated thinking moving partner. You should notice a significant change fo the better after each session. I build progress systematically and methodically.
-you will gain a better understanding of your horse/his/her physical needs- I work on the physical needs first and believe that the mental rebalancing follows naturally once the physical systems are balanced.
- you will gain a closer bond with your horse and a safer partnership
-by restoring the free-flowing lifeforce called 'chi' your horse experiences optimum circulation and health and the door is opened to achieving its highest athletic expression.
-I will send you a follow-up email summarizing the session and any animal communication images I got during the session-yes, that's right! I believe your horse will tell me things! And I will in turn tell you- that's the fun part.
-On average it will take 6-10 sessions to fully rebalance most horses 'chi' It all depends on where the horse is at when we start- which I will usually be able to give you an idea of how many sessions it will take to rebalance your particular horse.
Cost per session is negociable and based on ability to pay. Average cost/session= $50plus possible travel costs if/when applicable. One session can last between 1-2 hours,depending on the horses needs.
** I limit my services to 3 appts/clients/week to keep my own life/chakras in balance!
** Re-balancing sessions are scheduled for once/week for energetic reasons- this is ideal amount of time for the session to settle in and be processed fully by your horse for maximum effectiveness. most horses are have never felt their energy transformed in this way before and they appreciate the time to absorb and feel the new way of being in their bodies- I found that they savor the experience and do not want to be rushed thru it, enjoying the steady slow foundational pace.
- Owner of the most remarkable teacher- my horse Roscoe.
-worked under Jamal El Jadidi http://www.bostonequestriancenter.com/ and Paula Paglia http://www.paulapagliadressage.com/
-recently sat on the Board of Directors for Blue Star Equiculture http://www.equiculture.org/ after re-designing their feed protocol/menu for 30 rescued, retired and working horses- primarily Draft horses.
-Author, "Teaching Beginners to Ride" (under my maiden name, Amy Farber) http://www.amazon.com/ http://www.authorhouse.com/ http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
-Massachusetts certified riding instructor- 25+ years experience teaching horseback riding-hunt seat and dressage diciplines
-UMASS graduate 1990- Bachelors in psychology/marketing-concentration in equine studies/nutrition
- http://www.equinenutritionconsult.blogspot.com/ equine nutritional consultant
-Freelance teacher/trainer- hunt seat, dressage disciplines
-Owner/Manager "Sleepy Hollow Bed Co." and "Discount Mattress" retail bedding store Amherst, MA 2001-2009-voted best mattress store in the Valley year after year.
-Level 1 Graduate of Windows of Light Course Study http://www.marygracelepage.com/ development of spiritual,clairvoyant and psychic gifts
-Attended "How to Hear the Animals ' Workshop with Anita Curtis- developing animal communication skills
-regular client/student of Tina Hassett - animal communicator and mentor http://www.ouranimalallies.com/ --
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